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Monday, January 18, 2010

Judge yourself for once

Is it so easy to judge another human being. We can examine another person's decisions or lifestyle without thinking twice about it, but when it comes to looking within ourselves we are defensive and able to come up with thousands of excuses as to why we are the way we are. We can shoot out advice at the drop of a hat when we are discussing someone else, but when we think of ourselves the answer is never quite clear. I think learning to realize your weaknesses and not only accepting them, but also trying to improve is one of the most difficult tasks we can be asked to do for our self. It is similar to an addict taking the first step in admitting that he or she has an addiction. However, what we don't realize is that when we can accept our faults and weaknesses we will only gain strength. We can make ourselves better and in return we can live more fulfilling lives. We really and truly can only go forward at this point of realization. Not only will we become more fulfilled as individuals, we will be able to see more clearly what our true talents are. In my opinion, life is a lesson. When and where we go after life is not something we will know during our time in this world, but the decisions we make and the life that we lead is entirely our choice. Is is easy to loose sight of our goals and hide behind our shadows. We can get caught up in everyone else's life lessons and forget all about the truths that were meant for us.

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